The UroLift® System

The UroLift® System is a straightforward minimally invasive treatment:

  • Rapid symptom relief
    and recovery1,2

  • Low catheter rate1,3-7

  • Highly durable3

Various treatment options that patients usually opt for:

  • Medical Therapy

  • Watchful Waiting

  • Surgery


The UroLift® System is a proven option for patients seeking to have their BPH symptoms treated.

Find out BPH treatment options

5-Year Data

Rapid, durable, and reproducible outcomes from treatment with the UroLift® System:

IPSS Improvement

Improvement in LUTS, as seen through average reduction in IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score), has been consistent across the various studies, showing rapid relief within two weeks and sustained effect through five years.1


Low Retreatment Rate

The rate of surgical intervention for failure to cure with the UroLift® System remains low for a BPH procedure, with approximately 13.6% over five years.3

본 임상시험은 식약처 허가 임상과는 무관하며, 허가 후 기업이 자체적으로 진행한 임상시험입니다

이 제품은 '의료기기'이며, '사용상의 주의사항'과 '사용방법'을 잘 읽고 사용하십시오.
이식형결찰사 / 50대 이상 남성의 비대해진 전립선조직을 묶어 방광출구(요도)폐색을 치료하는 이식형제품

의료기기 광고심의필: 32023-I10-22-1742 / 유효기간 26.06.26



Shore, Can J Urol 2014


Roehrborn, J Urology 2013


Roehrborn et al. Can J Urol 2017


Bachmann, Eur Urol 2014 May


McVary, J Urol 2016


Mollengarden, Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2018


Gilling, J Urol 2017


AUA Guidelines 2003, 2020

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